The story begins innocently enough: an adolescent girl greets the Wanted guys on the set of their "Chasing The Sun" music video, with her admiring father watching on. Soon, however, the father can't find his "daughter," and as The Wanted drive away, we, the viewer, realize that something's a little fishy when a policeman pulls the boy band's touring van over. Things gets much more serious when the little girl hops out of their van, and while Tom tries to explain that no abduction has taken place, a cop counters with, "I can't understand a word you are saying right now!" (Billboard) - DyMNation
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tyler The Creator On Punk'd This Week
The story begins innocently enough: an adolescent girl greets the Wanted guys on the set of their "Chasing The Sun" music video, with her admiring father watching on. Soon, however, the father can't find his "daughter," and as The Wanted drive away, we, the viewer, realize that something's a little fishy when a policeman pulls the boy band's touring van over. Things gets much more serious when the little girl hops out of their van, and while Tom tries to explain that no abduction has taken place, a cop counters with, "I can't understand a word you are saying right now!" (Billboard) - DyMNation
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