Friday, April 27, 2012

#OnTv Community Meets Law And Order

Be sure to check this out couch potatoes. It’s not exactly the freshest idea to parody, but “Community’s” take on “Law & Order” in Thursday’s episode was still pretty hilarious. When a yam is found smushed in biology class, it is (of course) up to Troy and Abed to track down the suspect. Shirley, having seen many a crime show, sends them off on their way, while Jeff (obviously) and Annie take on the roles of attorneys. This episode was about the little moments and throwaway lines (not to mention the plentiful “chung-chung!” sounds). I loved Abed telling Troy, “We can’t both do the zinger”; Jeff remarking that Chang’s “There’s nothing to see here” was actually true; and Professor Kane’s admonition, “Need I remind you, this is not a courtroom!” More and more, this season seems to be focusing the most on Jeff (and secondarily, Abed). This week, Jeff decided that winning the case was not all there was to it after Annie nailed whom she thought was the suspect. Instead, it turned out that Fat Neil was the culprit. -CNN- - DyMNation

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